A Guide to Designing and Building Water Harvesting Systems

Understanding the hydrological cycle is fundamental to revitalizing damaged landscapes and ecosystems. The implementation of earthworks such as swales, dams, ponds, and other water harvesting systems can significantly contribute to this endeavor. However, it is imperative to comprehend the landscape's geology and hydrology to avoid inadvertently causing harm. Douglas Barnes' book, "The Permaculture Earthworks Handbook," serves as a valuable resource in navigating this complex subject, offering practical insights for different climates and ensuring the implementation of effective solutions.

r/Home_Garden_Solution - The Permaculture Earthworks Handbook
The Permaculture Earthworks Handbook

The Vital Importance of Water: Water is the lifeblood of societies across history and around the globe. Its scarcity threatens survival and has the potential to spark conflicts, both locally and internationally. With increasing populations and the impacts of climate change exacerbating water challenges, the need for effective water management strategies is more pressing than ever. In the realm of permaculture design, water serves as the cornerstone around which all planning revolves. Harnessing water through earthworks is not just about sustainability; it is about regenerating landscapes and fostering resilience in the face of environmental degradation.

Healing the Earth: While humanity has inflicted significant damage on the planet, there is hope in our capacity to restore and regenerate. Earthworks offer a pathway to healing, leveraging our creativity and understanding of natural systems. Like the industrious beaver shaping its environment, humans possess the knowledge and ability to create habitats conducive to life. "The Permaculture Earthworks Handbook" provides a roadmap for harnessing this potential, offering practical guidance for those committed to positive environmental stewardship.

Overview of the Book: The book is structured into nine chapters and includes six appendices covering essential calculations for earthwork projects. Chapter 1 examines the current state of water resources worldwide and the challenges ahead. Chapter 2 delves into the ancient city of Petra, showcasing both exemplary water engineering and cautionary tales of earthwork mismanagement. Chapter 3 explores the intricate relationship between soil and water, providing conceptual frameworks for landscape analysis.

How to Design and Build Swales, Dams, Ponds, and other Water Harvesting Systems:

My good friend and fellow off-gridder, Ron Melchiore, and I have created what may very well be the most comprehensive, step-by-step system to transform YOU from an honest homeowner at the mercy of the government and big corporations into a self-sufficient person who doesn’t depend on anyone else or owe them a thing.
It’s called
👉 The Self-Sufficient Backyard

Nowadays we could all use a little more self-sufficiency in our lives, especially since there’s no telling when the next crisis will hit.
And I’m sure you don’t want to be caught off-guard or looking for a handout from FEMA.
On the flip side, even if no crisis arrives soon, you’ll have greatly improved your house. And it will start to pay for itself instead of draining your bank account each month.

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